We all know that relationships can be hella tricky. We want to be close to someone, but we don’t want to be too close. We want to be honest, but we don’t want to be too honest. We want to be open, but we don’t want to be too open. It can be a delicate balance to strike.But what if I told you that getting awkward can actually lead to better relationships? It’s true! Here’s why:
1. It encourages vulnerability. When we get awkward, it forces us to be vulnerable. We have to open up and share our feelings, even if it’s uncomfortable. This can be a great way to build trust and connection with someone.
2. It helps us to be more honest. When feeling awkward, it can be tempting to try to hide our true feelings. But when we’re honest (even if it’s hella awkward) it will help us build stronger relationships.
3. It helps us to be more understanding. When we get awkward, it can be easy to jump to conclusions or make assumptions about someone. But when we take the time to really listen and understand, it can help us to build a deeper connection.
4. It helps us to be more compassionate. It can be easy to be judgmental or critical when fear enters the chat. But when we take the time to be compassionate and understanding, it can help us build much more meaningful relationships.